Not only epsylon_lyrae

Vicoli d'altri tempi
My passion for photography started when, still a kid, my parents brought me an old second hand Kodak camera, I used to photograph anything having great fun!
Things changed a few years later because of the high developing costs, so I mostly stopped taking photos.
With the new digital era things changed again and in summer 2005 I brought a little automatic compact 5Mpx camera and started taking pictures again.
In autumn 2006 I did the big step and brought my first reflex....

Photo elaboration
In post work normally I do very little:

  • I always shoot in RAW.
  • I open the Raw files with UFRaw, I apply a basic curve, when necessary I adjust exposure and white balance, and with The Gimp I remove the sensor spots and any not wanted flares.
  • Some times I apply a graduated filter and at the end I adjust levels and save in jpg.
  • Occasionally I try some experiments for example the one I did to realize "Frozen".
  • HDR images are done with QTPFSGUI and I use Mapivi or sometimes IRfan to add or edit IPTC data.

Equipment & accessories

  • Nikon D80
  • Nikkor 50mm AF-D 1.8
  • Nikkor 18-55 Vr
  • Sigma 180 macro
  • Sigma 12-24
  • Nikon MC-DC1 cable
  • Nikon DG-2 Eyepiece Magnifier
  • Coolpix 5600
I mostly use natural light; I use the D80 integrated flash when needed, especially as a fill-in flash.
Another simple way to get enough light is do long exposures with one or more white papers as reflectors.  

My photo's on stock:

My Portfolio on Shutterstock My Portfolio on iStockphoto

Prints & gadgets:

My gallery on Deviantart My gallery on RedBubble

Old symbian themes:
Some years ago I made some symbian themes with my photo's...they are still availlable at this HERE, you will also find the instructions for installing...